Walk.. Wag.. Repeat..
My extensive list of walks covers all agilities, abilities and capabilities from young pups to seniors. All included in the fee.
The Menu..
The “Puppachino” Run (Starbucks)
Whitwell Wood - a rainy day favourite!
Alexandra/Burgoyne Park
“Sniffy” Street Walk (1-6km)
Rother Valley Country Park
Piper Lane & Local Fields
Hillsborough Park
Dam Flask Reservoir
Ladybower Reservoir
Endcliffe Park
Ecclesall Woods
The Rivelin Valley Trail
Redmires Reservoir
Anston Stones
Kinder Scout
Mam Tor - An early riser special!
The Chatsworth Estate
Clumber Park *On hold due to a breakout of SCI (Seasonal Canine Illness)
Sherwood Pines *On hold due to a breakout of SCI (Seasonal Canine Illness)
Sheffield Botanical Gardens
Graves Park
A Wentworth Walk
Plus many many more.. suggestions are always welcomed!